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S8E7—ChatGPT: The Tech Shift of our Lifetime?

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“Hey Chat GPT, write a script for a podcast arguing the wrongs and rights of technology and faith…”

Could AI write that? The shocking answer is… it’s close. Maybe a full yes. The revolution of Artificial Intelligence chatbots got a rocket boost in the last months when on Nov 30, 2022, OpenAI released a language model called ChatGPT, which can interact in a conversational way. The results were heads above what we’ve experienced with Siri or Alexa, immediately launching fears and possibilties.

Adam and Chris explore what ChatGPT can do, and talk about the implications for society and faith. What does this change for the future? Are we witnessing one of the biggest tech moments of our lifetime?

Bonus this episode: find out if Chris can pronounce the word 'specificity.' (Spoiler Slert: it’s rough)

What/who is the voice for ChatGPT in the episode?

This version of ChatGPT is text only, but for our podcast, we used another AI product called Descript to generate an artificial voice to read ChatGPT’s parts. And guess what? OpenAI is one of the investors in the Descript product—one we use regularly for our podcast production.


More About ChatGPT

How fast did it grow?

Who is behind it?

Starting as a non-profit, in 2019 Microsoft invested more than $1 Billion dollars, and in January 2023, after ChatGPT exploded, they upped their investment to $10 billion.

Real ChatGPT Examples Chris Tried

What is my future?

As a language model, I do not have the capability to predict the future. I can provide information and answer questions based on my training data, but I cannot predict events that have not yet occurred. It's best to consult with experts or make your own plans for your future.

If you could have only one thing on if you’re stranded on a desert island, what would it be?

If I were stranded on a desert island and could only have one thing with me, I would choose a satellite phone. This would allow me to communicate with the outside world and potentially get rescue or help. In a survival situation, being able to communicate and get help is crucial and can greatly increase the chances of survival. Of course, there are many other things that could be useful in this situation, such as food, water, shelter, and tools, but the ability to communicate and call for help is perhaps the most important.

You are a professor of history of technology. Write me a lecture outline that surveys the five most important technological shifts in history, with a focus on communications technologies. Include key dates related to the invention and impact of the technologies, and cultural, economic, political, or social results. Include quotes at least one quote from Walter Ong, and at least one other relevant technology historian.

Lecture Outline: The Five Most Important Technological Shifts in History

I. Introduction

A. Importance of understanding the history of technology

B. Focus on communications technologies

II. The Shift from Oral to Literate Culture (6000 BC - AD 1400)

A. Development of writing systems

B. Impact on cultural, economic, and political systems

C. Quote from Walter Ong: "Writing is the technology of civilization."

D. Key dates:

1. Development of cuneiform in Sumer (3500 BC)

2. Development of the alphabet in ancient Greece (800 BC)

3. Introduction of the printing press in Europe (1440)

The full outline from ChatGPT is being posted for our Patreon members! You can be one, and we'd be so grateful! What is Patreon?

Write a related essay comparing Elizabeth Eisenstein's analysis of "the printing press as an agent of change" and its impact on society in the 1500s, and comparing it to a futurist account of ChatGPT on human society in the next 50 years. Use at least three specific examples of impacts of the printing press and how they might relate to changes from chatGPT. Cite other modern scholars as needed.

The Printing Press as an Agent of Change and Its Impact on Society in the 1500s and ChatGPT in the Next 50 Years: A Comparative Essay

In her groundbreaking work, "The Printing Press as an Agent of Change," Elizabeth Eisenstein argues that the invention of the printing press in the 15th century was a catalyst for significant social, cultural, and intellectual transformation. According to Eisenstein, the widespread dissemination of information enabled by the printing press led to increased literacy, scientific advancement, and religious reform, among other effects. In this essay, we will compare Eisenstein's analysis of the impact of the printing press on society in the 1500s to a futurist account of the impact of ChatGPT on human society in the next 50 years.

One impact of the printing press that is likely to be replicated by ChatGPT is the increased dissemination of information. Just as the printing press allowed for the mass production of books and the dissemination of knowledge, ChatGPT has the potential to provide access to vast amounts of information at the click of a button. According to futurist Ray Kurzweil, "ChatGPT will dramatically alter the way we interact with information and with each other" (Kurzweil, 2021). In this sense, ChatGPT could play a similar role to the printing press in increasing access to information and knowledge.

Another impact of the printing press that could be replicated by ChatGPT is the transformation of cultural norms and values. Eisenstein argues that the printing press helped to popularize new ideas and attitudes that challenged the established social order. In a similar vein, ChatGPT has the potential to challenge traditional ways of thinking and to promote new ideas and perspectives. For example, as technology historian Sherry Turkle argues, "ChatGPT is likely to change the way we think about our relationships with technology, and with each other" (Turkle, 2022).

A third impact of the printing press that could be replicated by ChatGPT is the democratization of knowledge. The printing press helped to make information and knowledge more widely accessible, and thus helped to level the playing field between the educated and the uneducated. Similarly, ChatGPT has the potential to make information and knowledge more widely available, and to help bridge the digital divide. As sociologist Manuel Castells argues, "ChatGPT will play a key role in connecting people across borders and in overcoming social and cultural barriers" (Castells, 2021).

In conclusion, while the printing press and ChatGPT are distinct technological innovations separated by centuries, both have the potential to have significant impacts on society. Whether through the dissemination of information, the transformation of cultural norms, or the democratization of knowledge, both the printing press and ChatGPT have the potential to play a transformative role in shaping the future of human society. While the printing press paved the way for the technological advancements of the modern era, it is clear that ChatGPT has the potential to take these advancements to new heights. Ultimately, only time will tell what impact ChatGPT will have on human society, but it is clear that it has the potential to play a significant role in shaping the future.

Real ChatGPT Examples Adam Tried

What are 5 biblical teachings that might support the purposes of ChatGPT?

Here are five biblical teachings that might support the purposes of ChatGPT:

  1. Wisdom and knowledge: Proverbs 1:7 says, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge." By providing accurate and relevant information, ChatGPT can support the pursuit of knowledge and wisdom.

  2. Service to others: Mark 10:45 states, "For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve." By providing helpful information and support to users, ChatGPT can serve others in line with this biblical teaching.

  3. Creativity and innovation: Genesis 1:28 states, "And God blessed them. And God said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.'" ChatGPT's innovative use of AI technology aligns with this teaching on creativity and innovation.

  4. Good stewardship: Genesis 2:15 states, "The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it." By using AI technology to improve human life and society, ChatGPT can align with the biblical teaching of good stewardship.

  5. Communication: Colossians 4:6 says, "Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person." ChatGPT's ability to communicate effectively and respectfully aligns with this biblical teaching.

How should these rewards influence the choices I make?

As a Christian, it is natural to want to please God and serve Him in the best way possible. If you believe that the Bible teaches that believers will receive rewards in heaven for their faithfulness and service to God on earth, this belief can serve as a motivator for you to make choices that honor God and reflect your faith. It can also be a source of encouragement and hope, knowing that your efforts to serve God and follow His will are not in vain, and that you will be rewarded for them in the future.

However, it is important to remember that our ultimate goal as Christians should not be to earn rewards or seek recognition, but rather to love and serve God out of a heart of gratitude and obedience. As the apostle Paul wrote in Colossians 3:23-24, "Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ."

In summary, the belief in rewards in heaven can be a source of motivation and encouragement as you strive to live a life that is pleasing to God, but it should not be the driving force behind your choices. Your primary motivation should be your love for God and a desire to follow His will.